Thursday, May 10, 2012

Saying Yes And

It's almost 3am. I leave for India tomorrow. For - ev - er. (You have to say it like the Sandlot kids.) As the countdown to my departure grew ever closer, I began to think more and more often that I should start a blog. Because I have begun to appreciate more and more what I am leaving behind. Really, I should say who. Namely all the friends and family that I will miss so much. India feels like the other side of the world... that's probably because it is actually on the other side of the world, but that's besides the point. It doesn't have to FEEL that way. I don't want to leave everybody behind. So I'm going to take you with me, as much as possible, through that handy dandy invention: blogging. Let's see how long I last at it, shall we? ;) Did I mention it's almost 3am? And I still haven't finished packing?

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