Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I've Been Converted

Here it is. The Indian toilet. Notice what's missing? Well folks, I have to admit I have been fully converted to the Indian toilet. Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that it is really much cleaner than using toilet paper. You use the water that comes out of the hose, clean yourself, wash your hands. It is potentially a much faster way to clean yourself, too. And more environment friendly, really. It does leave you a little damp, though, I must say. It's so hot here, though, that you're dry again in no time.

The odd shape of the toilet is because it doubles as a squat toilet. So you can actually stand on it and squat if you want to. Can't say I've figured that out, yet. This toilet works as sit toilet, too. There is a seat you can just barely see that comes down to sit on. Most toilets here I have seen are sit-toilets. Although, I have come up to the hole in the ground at a traveling fair. And I hear some houses only have squat toilets.


  1. I just learned something new :) This is more hard-hitting news than my local tv station, I can tell you that :)

  2. I think more than once I would manage to entirely soak my underwear. Seriously.
