Monday, June 4, 2012

Limp and Sweaty

It's hot. We are a day or two away from the monsoons starting. The pressure is really low, the humidity is really high, and there's no breeze. I feel gross about 20 minutes after I shower, thanks to the fans that help keep the sweat at bay. I have a high gross tolerance, though. Some of you would feel gross as soon as you start toweling dry. I finally looked at the weather today because I wanted to know what the temperature actually is. It's 93 F with 66% humidity, so it feels like 106 F. I was not surprised in the least to see that it feels like 106. Rather, I was reassured that I wasn't crazy for feeling like a limp. sweaty, lump of useless flesh. Motivation to do anything useful completely alludes me when it's this hot. I didn't imagine myself looking forward to the rain for three months, but now I can understand why people look forward to it. With the weather right before hand, it makes sense to wish for any kind of relief. Except Ma dashed my hopes for immediate relief from the heat by telling me how in the beginning the rains just release a bunch of steam from the earth and it becomes even hotter and muggier, something that my mind is incapable of imagining right now.

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