Sunday, August 5, 2012

P.S. The title of my blog comes from Improv

"Yes And" is a catch phrase in the Improv world. It refers to saying yes to everything your partner does, accepting it and moving the scene forward from there. The theory is that a scene will go much farther if you accept your partner's ideas rather than reject or block them or be negative. I decided to title my blog Yes, And Now India as a reminder to myself to accept whatever my new scene partner, India, gives me, and move forward from there. I never really explained that before, and since I just came back from the Improv workshops it seemed like a good time.
In an ironic twist of fate, I learned at the Improv workshops that it's not always best to accept everything your partner gives you. hehe. Well, that was probably always going to be the case, anyways. It's me and you, India.

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